"The Most Effective Piano Method Available"
Kirk Books Take the Frustration Out of Piano Lessons
"It's so much easier to learn to read music with the Kirk Books!"

A systematic approach to fluency in the language of music.
With the Kirk Books, a student has the opportunity to become fluent in the language of music. At increasingly difficult levels, it becomes easier and easier to read, interpret and perform new pieces without struggle. With 70+ pages per book, 400 pages per level, no other method comes close to providing the same volume of effectively sequenced, multiple-key support. Students transition smoothly from one comprehensive book to the next.
“I have become a total convert to your program! I am having such great results, not only with children – but with my adult students, that I have now converted all of my students over to the Kirk Books."
Marilyn Anglin - Piano Teacher
Kirk Books are a result of over 30 years of teaching, writing, testing and rewriting. The series is designed to provide the essential volume of logically sequenced and pedagogically sound reinforcement that is required to truly master reading and artistic skills in all keys. It is designed to alleviate frustration and foster the student’s independence from the need to be “taught” each piece of music. The books have been tested by many teachers over a period of years. They have been continuously rewritten based on the subsequent feedback.
The resulting Kirk Books series is a uniquely effective piano teaching method that moves gradually enough, thoroughly enough and comprehensively enough for students to internalize reading, technical and interpretive skills. No other method comes close to providing the level of multiple-key literacy achieved by the Kirk Books. It is a unique accomplishment that has been met with enthusiastic response by teachers, parents and students.
"It's so much easier to learn!" Britany (Transfer student)
(All testimonials that appear throughout are taken from spontaneous comments and are completely unsolicited)
With the Kirk Books, a student has the opportunity to become fluent in the language of music. At increasingly difficult levels, it becomes easier and easier to read, interpret and perform new pieces without struggle. With 70+ pages per book, 400 pages per level, no other method comes close to providing the same volume of effectively sequenced, multiple-key support. Students transition smoothly from one comprehensive book to the next.
“I have become a total convert to your program! I am having such great results, not only with children – but with my adult students, that I have now converted all of my students over to the Kirk Books."
Marilyn Anglin - Piano Teacher
Kirk Books are a result of over 30 years of teaching, writing, testing and rewriting. The series is designed to provide the essential volume of logically sequenced and pedagogically sound reinforcement that is required to truly master reading and artistic skills in all keys. It is designed to alleviate frustration and foster the student’s independence from the need to be “taught” each piece of music. The books have been tested by many teachers over a period of years. They have been continuously rewritten based on the subsequent feedback.
The resulting Kirk Books series is a uniquely effective piano teaching method that moves gradually enough, thoroughly enough and comprehensively enough for students to internalize reading, technical and interpretive skills. No other method comes close to providing the level of multiple-key literacy achieved by the Kirk Books. It is a unique accomplishment that has been met with enthusiastic response by teachers, parents and students.
"It's so much easier to learn!" Britany (Transfer student)
(All testimonials that appear throughout are taken from spontaneous comments and are completely unsolicited)